Social project
Makeathon TOM: Nur-Sultan
You have a unique opportunity to use all your skills and prove yourself as a social entrepreneur.

We announce the start of accepting applications for the social Makeathon TOM: Nur-Sultan

Makeathon TOM: Nur-Sultan is a 72-hour marathon where makers, inventors, engineers, doctors develop devices, gadgets, prototypes, to make life easier for people with disabilities (needknowers). Entrepreneurs will be able to present the ideas of a social project to improve the quality of life of needknowers.

What is Makeathon TOM: Nur-Sultan?
The project consists of stages III:

Stage I - Ideathon: teams create and present their ideas. Participation in Ideathon will help to select high-quality ideas for further participation in the makeathon (this stage is for colleges and universities of Nur-Sultan).

Stage II - PreTOM: the first meeting of teams with needknowers, at which ideas and prototyping method are generated.

Stage III - TOM: team meeting a month after the second stage, 72-hour work on their project. November 16th - presentations of the final prototypes of the teams in front of the jury.
Innovation cluster of Nazarbayev University
Nur-Sultan city, 53, Kabanbay batyr Ave.
Tel: +7(7172)70 66 43, 92 99